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Download General Search Search Results: 
CID LEI LEI Other Legal Name LEI Upload Date GID Name Is Individual GID Relationship Group FK Description GID Active Date GID Inactive Date
C011645 Bluegrass Solar, LLC N
C002982 BlueRock Energy, Inc. N
C003434 Bluesource Energy LLC N
C010737 Bluestem Pipeline LLC N
C005328 Bluestem Wind Energy, LLC N
C010551 Bluestone Farm Solar, LLC N
C011557 Bluestone Wind, LLC N
C001154 Bluewater Gas Storage, LLC N
C000564 Blythe Energy Inc. N
C011402 Blythe Mesa Solar II, LLC N
C004980 Blythe Solar 110, LLC N
C005076 Blythe Solar II, LLC N
C010443 Blythe Solar III, LLC N
C010444 Blythe Solar IV, LLC N
C002080 BNP Paribas Energy Trading GP N
C012042 Boardwalk Bayou Ethane Pipeline, LLC N
C001262 Boardwalk Storage Company, LLC N
C007718 Boardwalk Texas Intrastate, LLC N
C001706 Bobcat Gas Storage N
C009034 Bobilli BSS, LLC N
C004472 BOE Pipeline, LLC N
C010690 Boiling Springs Wind Farm, LLC N
C010458 Bolt Energy Marketing, LLC N
C010268 Bolt Energy, LLC N
C002357 Bonneville Power Administration N
C011856 Boomtown Solar Energy LLC N
C011819 Boott Hydropower, LLC N
D004415 Border Energy Electric Services, Inc N
C002197 Border Energy Electric Services, Inc. N
C001869 Border Energy, Inc. N
C003965 Border Winds Energy, LLC N
C010923 Borderlands Wind, LLC N
C001386 Boston Energy Trading and Marketing LLC N
C001659 Boston Gas Company N
C005284 Boulder Solar II, LLC N
C005286 Boulder Solar III, LLC N
C005278 Boulder Solar Power, LLC N
C002952 Bounce Energy NY, LLC N
C002953 Bounce Energy PA, LLC N
C009006 Bowfin KeyCon Energy, LLC N
C009005 Bowfin KeyCon Power, LLC N
C001277 Bowline, LLC N
C001123 BP Energy Company N
C010963 BP Energy Holding Company LLC N
C003078 BP Energy Retail Company California LLC N
C004567 BP Energy Retail Company LLC N
C008763 BP Midstream Partners LP N
C010849 BP Midwest Product Pipelines Holdings LLC N
C000400 BP Oil Pipeline Company N
C000399 BP Pipelines (North America) Inc. N

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