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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Download General Search Search Results: 
CID LEI LEI Other Legal Name LEI Upload Date GID Name Is Individual GID Relationship Group FK Description GID Active Date GID Inactive Date
C004631 Samchully Power & Utilities 1 LLC N
C000685 San Diego Gas & Electric N
C003128 San Gorgonio Farms, Inc. N
C004987 San Gorgonio Westwinds II - Windustries, LLC N
C004656 San Gorgonio Westwinds II – Altech, LLC N
C004655 San Gorgonio Westwinds II, LLC N
C002776 San Gorgonio Wind, LLC N
C005288 San Isabel Solar LLC N
C011742 San Jacinto Grid, LLC N
C010233 San Jacinto Power Company N
C010410 San Jacinto Wind II, LLC N
C001106 San Joaquin Cogen, LLC N
C001401 San Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC N
C012112 San Juan Solar 1, LLC N
C002185 San Luis Solar LLC N
C010100 San Mateo Black River Oil Pipeline, LLC N
C010160 San Pablo Raceway, LLC N
C001834 San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company N
C010953 Sanborn Solar Line I, LLC N
D004753 Sanchez 18 Solar, LLC N
C002314 Sand Drag LLC N
C002275 Sanders Pipeline Company N
C004969 Sandstone Solar LLC N
C011604 Sandy Ridge Wind 2, LLC N
C002075 Sandy Ridge Wind, LLC N
C010650 Sanford Airport Solar, LLC N
C011461 Sanford ESS, LLC N
C011814 Santa Paula Energy Storage, LLC N
C000361 Santa Rosa Energy Center, LLC N
C002554 Santanna Natural Gas Corporation N
D004114 Santanna Natural Gas Corporation dba Santanna Energy Services N
C011420 Santee Cooper N
C003712 Sapphire Power Marketing LLC N
C011429 Sapphire Sky Wind Energy LLC N
C001611 Sappi North America, Inc. N
D005030 Saracen Energy East LP N
D005031 Saracen Energy East LP N
C000401 Saracen Energy Power Advisors LP N
C000402 Saracen Power LP N
C001439 Saranac Power Partners, L.P. N
C001413 Sargent Canyon Cogeneration Company N
C007656 Savage Bakken Connector, Inc. N
C002471 Save Wave Energy LLC N
C000756 Sayreville Power Generation LP N
C008742 Sayreville Power, LLC N
D010813 SB Law, PLLC N
C002373 SBR Energy, LLC N
C000918 SC Landfill Energy, LLC N
C011987 SCEF1 Fuel Cell, LLC N
C002046 Schuylkill Energy Resources, Inc. N

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