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BAA Category Status in Region Entity Type Hub PPA Type Rating Adjust Options Record Type MSS Indicative Study Param
Region Relationship Type Scenario Type Seasons Study Type Vertical Asset Type Supply Type PSS Indicative Study Param

Balancing Authority CD Balancing Authority Desc Region CD Country Active Date Inactive Date
AEGL AESC, LLC - Gleason SE US 1/1/2020
AEC Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. SE US 1/1/2020
AESO Alberta Electric System Operator CE CA 1/1/2020
ALTE Alliant Energy Corporate Services, LLC - East CE US 1/1/2020
ALTW Alliant Energy Corporate Services, LLC- West CE US 1/1/2020
AMRN Ameren Transmission CE US 1/1/2020
AMIL Ameren Transmission-Illinois SE US 1/1/2020
AMMO Ameren Transmission-Missouri SE US 1/1/2020
FE American Transmission Systems, Inc. ERC US 1/1/2020
APSO AP South (Submarket of PJM Interconnection, LLC) NE US 1/1/2020
MPS Aquila Networks - Missouri Public Service NW US 1/1/2020
AZPS Arizona Public Service Company SW US 1/1/2020
DEAA Arlington Valley LLC SW US 1/1/2020
AECI Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. SE US 1/1/2020
AVRN Avangrid Renewables LCC NW US 1/1/2020
AVA Avista Corporation NW US 1/1/2020
BCHA B.C. Hydro & Power Authority CAN CA 1/1/2020
BANC Balancing Authority of Northern California SW US 1/1/2020
BBA Batesville Balancing Authority SW US 1/1/2020
BCA Batesville Control Area SW US 1/1/2020
BREC Big Rivers Electric Corp. NW US 1/1/2020
KACY Board of Public Utilities SE US 1/1/2020
BPAT Bonneville Power Administration Transmission NW US 1/1/2020
DSK1 BridgeCo SW US 1/1/2020
DSKI BridgeCo SW US 1/1/2020
BCTC British Columbia Transmission Corporation SW CA 1/1/2020
CSWS Central and Southwest SW US 1/1/2020
CILC Central Illinois Light Co NW US 1/1/2020
CEN Centro Nacional de Control de Energia MEX MX 1/1/2020
CHPD Chelan County PUD NW US 1/1/2020
CIN Cinergy Corporation NW US 1/1/2020
HMPL City of Hendseron, KY, Utility Commission, DBA Henderson Municipal Power & Light SE US 12/18/2023
HST City of Homestead SE US 10/6/2020
INDN City of Independence P&L Dept. SW US 1/1/2020
TAL City of Tallahassee SE US 1/1/2020
SPRM City Utilities of Springfield SPP US 1/1/2020
CWLP City Water Light & Power SW US 1/1/2020
CLEC Cleco Power LLC SW US 1/1/2020
CWLD Columbia Water & Light SW US 1/1/2020
CFE Comision Federal de Electricidad MEX MX 1/1/2020
CFEN Comision Federal de Electricidad NW MX 1/1/2020
CE Commonwealth Edison NW US 1/1/2020
GRID Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch SE US 1/1/2020
GRIF Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch SE US 1/1/2020
PUPP Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Arkansas NW US 1/1/2020
BUBA Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - City of Benton, Arkansas NW US 1/1/2020
CNWY Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Conway, Arkansas SW US 1/1/2020
GRMA Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Gila River SW US 1/1/2020
GWA Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Glacier Wind Energy SW US 1/1/2020
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