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BAA Category Status in Region Entity Type Hub PPA Type Rating Adjust Options Record Type MSS Indicative Study Param
Region Relationship Type Scenario Type Seasons Study Type Vertical Asset Type Supply Type PSS Indicative Study Param

Balancing Authority CD Balancing Authority Desc Region CD Country Active Date Inactive Date
HGMA Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Harquehala SW US 1/1/2020
OMLP Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Osceola Municipal Light an NW US 1/1/2020
PLUM Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - Plum Point SE US 1/1/2020
WMUC Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch - West Memphis, Arkansas SE US 1/1/2020
DPC Dairyland Power Cooperative SW US 1/1/2020
DESC Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc. SE US 6/22/2021
VAP Dominion Virginia Power SW US 1/1/2020
DUK Duke Energy Carolina SE US 1/1/2020
FPC Duke Energy Florida, Inc. SE US 1/1/2020
CPLE Duke Energy Progress East SE US 1/1/2020
CPLW Duke Energy Progress West SE US 1/1/2020
EKPC East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. SW US 1/1/2020
EAIN Eastern Interconnection (Ancillary Services Only) SE US 1/6/2021
EPE El Paso Electric SW US 1/1/2020
EEI Electric Energy, Inc. SE US 1/1/2020
EDE Empire District Electric Co., The SW US 1/1/2020
EES Entergy SW US 1/1/2020
EAI Entergy Arkansas, Inc. SW US 1/1/2020
EMBA Entergy Mississippi, Inc. SW US 1/1/2020
FMPP Florida Municipal Power Pool SE US 1/1/2020
FPL Florida Power & Light SE US 1/1/2020
GVL Gainsville Regional Utilities SE US 1/1/2020
GRDA Grand River Dam Authority SE US 1/1/2020
GCPD Grant County PUD No.2 NW US 1/1/2020
GRE Great River Energy SE US 1/1/2020
GA GridAmerica SE US 1/1/2020
GLHL GridLiance Heartland SE US 12/18/2023
GLHB GridLiance Heartland (BA) SE US 12/18/2023
HE Hoosier Energy SW US 1/1/2020
HQT Hydro-Quebec, TransEnergie CAN CA 1/1/2020
IPCO Idaho Power Company NW US 1/1/2020
IID Imperial Irrigation District SW US 1/1/2020
IPL Indianapolis Power & Light Company SW US 1/1/2020
ISNE ISO-NE NE US 1/1/2020
JEA JEA SE US 1/1/2020
KCPL Kansas City Power & Light, Co SE US 1/1/2020
LAFA Lafayette Utilities System SE US 1/1/2020
LGEE LG&E Energy Transmission Services SE US 1/1/2020
LES Lincoln Electric System SW US 1/1/2020
LI Long Island (Submarket of New York Independent System Operator) NE US 1/1/2020
LDWP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power SW US 1/1/2020
LEPA Louisiana Energy & Power Authority SW US 1/1/2020
LAGN Louisiana Generating, LLC SE US 1/1/2020
CWAY Louisiana Generating, LLC - City of Conway SW US 1/1/2020
WMU Louisiana Generating, LLC - City of West Memphis SE US 1/1/2020
NLR Louisiana Generating, LLC - North Little Rock SW US 1/1/2020
MGE Madison Gas and Electric Company SE US 1/1/2020
MHEB MHEB, Transmission Services SE CA 1/1/2020
MECS Michigan Electric Coordinated System SE US 1/1/2020
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