MBR | LookupTables
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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BAA Category Status in Region Entity Type Hub PPA Type Rating Adjust Options Record Type MSS Indicative Study Param
Region Relationship Type Scenario Type Seasons Study Type Vertical Asset Type Supply Type PSS Indicative Study Param

Vertical Asset Type
ID Desc Active Date Inactive Date
1 Transmission Asset 4/9/2020
2 Intrastate Pipeline 4/9/2020
3 Gas Storage 4/9/2020
4 Gas Distribution 4/9/2020
5 Other Input 4/9/2020
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In addition, you are not required to respond to any collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. FERC provides the OMB Control Numbers of the information collections on this site at www.ferc.gov/information-collections.