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BAA Category Status in Region Entity Type Hub PPA Type Rating Adjust Options Record Type MSS Indicative Study Param
Region Relationship Type Scenario Type Seasons Study Type Vertical Asset Type Supply Type PSS Indicative Study Param

Balancing Authority CD Balancing Authority Desc Region CD Country Active Date Inactive Date
CONS Michigan Electric Coordinated System - CONS SW US 1/1/2020
DECO Michigan Electric Coordinated System - DECO SW US 1/1/2020
MEC MidAmerican Energy Company SE US 1/1/2020
MP Minnesota Power, Inc. NW US 1/1/2020
MISO MISO CE US 1/1/2020
MDU Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. SE US 1/1/2020
MPW Muscatine Power and Water NW US 1/1/2020
WWA NaturEner Wind Watch, LLC NW US 1/1/2020
NPPD Nebraska Public Power District SW US 1/1/2020
NEVP Nevada Power Company NW US 1/1/2020
NBSO New Brunswick System Operator CAN CA 1/1/2020
NHC1 New Horizons Electric Cooperative SW US 1/1/2020
NLSO Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro NE CA 12/18/2023
NIPS Northern Indiana Public Service Company SW US 1/1/2020
NSP Northern States Power Company SE US 1/1/2020
NWMT NorthWestern Energy NW US 1/1/2020
NSSO Nova Scotia Power System Operator CAN CA 1/1/2020
NYLI NYISO - Long Island Submarket NE US 1/1/2020
NYC NYISO - New York City Submarket NE US 1/1/2020
OVEC Ohio Valley Electric Corporation CE US 1/1/2020
OKGE Oklahoma Gas and Electric NW US 1/1/2020
IMO Ontario - Independent Electricity Market Operator SW US 1/1/2020
ONT Ontario - Independent Electricity System Operator NW CA 1/1/2020
OTP Otter Tail Power Company NW US 1/1/2020
DOPD P.U.D. No. 1 of Douglas County NW US 1/1/2020
PACE PacifiCorp-East NW US 1/1/2020
PACW PacifiCorp-West NW US 1/1/2020
PJM PJM NE US 1/1/2020
PJMF PJM - 5004/5005 Submarket NE US 1/1/2020
PJMAP PJM - AP South Submarket NE US 1/1/2020
PJME PJM - PJM-East Submarket NE US 1/1/2020
PGE Portland General Electric NW US 1/1/2020
PSCO Public Service Company of Colorado NW US 1/1/2020
PNM Public Service Company of New Mexico SW US 1/1/2020
PSEI Puget Sound Energy NW US 1/1/2020
QUIN Quebec Interconnection (Ancillary Services Only) NE US 1/6/2021
RC Reedy Creek Improvement District SE US 1/1/2020
SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District SE US 1/1/2020
SRP Salt River Project SW US 1/1/2020
SC Santee Cooper SE US 1/1/2020
SPC SaskPower Grid Control Centre CAN CA 1/1/2020
SCL Seattle City Light NW US 1/1/2020
SEC Seminole Electric Cooperative SE US 1/1/2020
SPPC Sierra Pacific Power Co. - Transmission SPP US 1/1/2020
SCEG South Carolina Electric & Gas Company SE US 1/1/2020 1/2/2021
SME South Mississippi Electric Power Association SE US 1/1/2020
SMEE South Mississippi Electric Power Association SE US 1/1/2020
SEPA Southeastern Power Administration SE US 1/1/2020
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