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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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CID LEI LEI Other Legal Name LEI Upload Date GID Name Is Individual GID Relationship Group FK Description GID Active Date GID Inactive Date
GID0002114 Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002115 Morgan County Rural Electric Association N 1/31/2022
GID0002116 Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002117 Mountain View Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002118 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002119 Niobrara Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002120 Northern Rio Arriba Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002121 Northwest Rural Public Power District N 1/31/2022
GID0002122 Otero County Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002123 Panhandle Rural Electric Membership Association N 1/31/2022
GID0002124 Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002125 Roosevelt Public Power District N 1/31/2022
GID0002126 San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002127 San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002128 San Miguel Power Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002129 Sangre de Cristo Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002130 Sierra Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002131 Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002132 Southeast Colorado Power Association N 1/31/2022
GID0002133 Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002134 Springer Electric Cooperative, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002135 Wheat Belt Public Power District N 1/31/2022
GID0002136 Wheatland Rural Electric Association N 1/31/2022
GID0002137 White River Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002138 Wyrulec Company N 1/31/2022
GID0002139 Y-W Electric Association, Inc. N 1/31/2022
GID0002140 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002141 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002142 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002143 Colam Entreprendre SAS N 1/31/2022
GID0002144 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002145 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002146 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002147 Western Farms Electric Cooperative N 1/31/2022
GID0002148 Unitil Corporation N 1/31/2022
GID0002149 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002150 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002151 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002152 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002153 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002154 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002155 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002156 Y 1/31/2022
GID0002157 GCM Grosvenor, LLC N 1/31/2022
GID0002158 PJM Settlement N 2/1/2022
GID0002159 PJM Settlement NC N 2/1/2022
GID0002160 RS Cogen, LLC N 2/1/2022
GID0002161 IHI Corporation N 2/1/2022
GID0002162 Y 2/1/2022
GID0002163 Nexgen Capital, LLC N 2/1/2022

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