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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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CID LEI LEI Other Legal Name LEI Upload Date GID Name Is Individual GID Relationship Group FK Description GID Active Date GID Inactive Date
GID0002284 Y 5/5/2022
GID0002285 BillerudKorsnas AB N 5/9/2022
GID0002286 Redwood Coast Energy Authority N 5/10/2022
GID0002287 Western Area Power Administration - Sierra Nevada N 5/10/2022
GID0002288 Arroyo Energy Investors Fund II GP, LLC N 5/13/2022
GID0002289 Just Energy Limited N 5/18/2022
GID0002290 TestComp2022 N 5/19/2022
GID0002291 SmoketestA119Tttt N 5/19/2022
GID0002292 Y 5/19/2022
GID0002293 Y 5/20/2022
GID0002294 Y 5/31/2022
GID0002295 Y 5/31/2022
GID0002296 Y 6/2/2022
GID0002297 Y 6/2/2022
GID0002298 Y 6/2/2022
GID0002299 Michigan Apple Packers Cooperative Inc. N 6/9/2022
GID0002300 Blue Elk Solar II, LLC N 6/9/2022
GID0002301 Flavida Limited N 6/10/2022
GID0002302 Fervida Limited N 6/10/2022
GID0002303 South River OnSite Generating, LLC N 6/13/2022
GID0002304 Borough of South River N 6/13/2022
GID0002305 Y 6/13/2022
GID0002306 Y 6/13/2022
GID0002307 DL Holdings Co., Ltd. N 6/13/2022
GID0002308 Spectrum Group Buyer, Inc. N 6/14/2022
GID0002309 Spectrum Group Intermediate, Inc. N 6/14/2022
GID0002310 Spectrum Group Holding, Inc. N 6/14/2022
GID0002311 Spectrum II Group Parent, L.P. N 6/14/2022
GID0002312 Spectrum II Group GP, LLC N 6/14/2022
GID0002313 H.I.G. Pixelle Specialty Solutions L.P. N 6/14/2022
GID0002314 Madison, New Jersey N 6/14/2022
GID0002315 Borough of Chambersburg N 6/14/2022
GID0002316 Butler, New Jersey N 6/14/2022
GID0002317 City of Cleveland, Cleveland Public Power N 6/14/2022
GID0002318 Tohono O'odham N 6/15/2022
GID0002319 Tohono O'odham Utility Authority N 6/15/2022
GID0002320 Town of Wickenburg N 6/15/2022
GID0002321 Y 6/22/2022
GID0002322 CompTest20221 N 6/23/2022
GID0002323 Washingtion8aTest2022 N 6/23/2022
GID0002324 Y 6/23/2022
GID0002325 Record Hill Wind LLC N 6/28/2022
GID0002326 Y 6/28/2022
GID0002327 Y 6/28/2022
GID0002328 Y 6/28/2022
GID0002329 Command Power Corp. N 6/28/2022
GID0002330 Monterey Consulting Associates, Inc N 6/29/2022
GID0002331 Hawkeye Energy Greenport LLC N 6/30/2022
GID0002332 Y 6/30/2022
GID0002333 Y 6/30/2022

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