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Ferc Asset Single Submission Summary


Full Name Email Submission
File Name CID Organization
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/17/2024 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/17/2024 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/17/2024 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/17/2024 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/12/2024 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 1/12/2024 N/A N/A
Deborah A Carpentier DCarpentier@crowell.com 1/10/2024 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 1/4/2024 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 1/4/2024 N/A N/A
Brian J Plunkett brian.plunkett@nortonrosefulbright.com 12/28/2023 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 12/19/2023 N/A N/A
12/18/2023 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 12/18/2023 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 12/18/2023 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 12/18/2023 N/A N/A
Anne Ross Anne.Ross@aps.com 12/15/2023 N/A N/A
Scott D. Johnson sdjohnson@akingump.com 12/14/2023 N/A N/A
Scott D. Johnson sdjohnson@akingump.com 12/14/2023 N/A N/A
Scott D. Johnson sdjohnson@akingump.com 12/14/2023 N/A N/A
Scott D. Johnson sdjohnson@akingump.com 12/14/2023 N/A N/A
Joel Kaufmann joel.kaufmann@rwe.com 12/13/2023 N/A N/A
Joel Kaufmann joel.kaufmann@rwe.com 12/13/2023 N/A N/A
Joel Kaufmann joel.kaufmann@rwe.com 12/13/2023 N/A N/A
Joel Kaufmann joel.kaufmann@rwe.com 12/13/2023 N/A N/A
Jessy Hennesy jessy.hennesy@xcelenergy.com 12/12/2023 N/A N/A
Jessy Hennesy jessy.hennesy@xcelenergy.com 12/12/2023 N/A N/A
Pamela T. Wu pamela.wu@morganlewis.com 12/12/2023 N/A N/A
Scott D. Johnson sdjohnson@akingump.com 12/6/2023 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 12/6/2023 N/A N/A
Marya Pirak mpirak@rockcreekenergygroup.com 12/6/2023 N/A N/A
Brian J Plunkett brian.plunkett@nortonrosefulbright.com 12/4/2023 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 12/1/2023 N/A N/A
Tamara Evey tevey@ameren.com 12/1/2023 N/A N/A
Jas O jroverstreetferc@gmail.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Haley Franco hfranco@rockcreekenergygroup.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Pamela T. Wu pamela.wu@morganlewis.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Tamara Evey tevey@ameren.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Tamara Evey tevey@ameren.com 11/30/2023 N/A N/A
Amy E McDonnell aem@duncanallen.com 11/29/2023 N/A N/A
Deborah A Carpentier DCarpentier@crowell.com 11/20/2023 N/A N/A
Lynn Kirshbaum lkirshbaum@rockcreekenergygroup.com 11/14/2023 N/A N/A
Stephanie Jones eTariff@mwe.com 11/9/2023 N/A N/A
Kimberli E Ross kimberli.ross@nee.com 11/6/2023 N/A N/A
Lynn Kirshbaum lkirshbaum@rockcreekenergygroup.com 11/2/2023 N/A N/A
Marco Bracamonte mab@vnf.com 10/31/2023 N/A N/A
Marco Bracamonte mab@vnf.com 10/31/2023 N/A N/A
Deborah A Carpentier DCarpentier@crowell.com 10/27/2023 N/A N/A
Katherine J O'Konski katherine.o'konski@nexteraenergy.com 10/20/2023 N/A N/A

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For any issues regarding MBR System, please contact MBR support   Please include a current e-mail address. Last Modified: 2/20/2025 5:02:04 PM      ver. 1.57

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In addition, you are not required to respond to any collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. FERC provides the OMB Control Numbers of the information collections on this site at www.ferc.gov/information-collections.