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MBR Portal

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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On October 22, 2021, the Commission issued the Notice of Extension of Time, extending the baseline submission due date to February 1, 2022.

On August 19, 2021 the Commission issued an order adopting revisions to this Information Collection. The revised XML schema incorporating the revisions was released October 26, 2021 in version 1.37. More information relating to the changes can be found in the Quick Start Guide and the Release Notes. No data has been cleared from the database. Unaffected Sellers that have already submitted data to the entities_to_entities table do not have to take any action. Affected filers that have already submitted data to the entities_to_entities table should update the table with the information for the new fields. The revisions to the XML schema can be found here (XML, XSD)
Activity Compliance Schedule
Effective date of Order No. 860 Jul. 1, 2021
“Go-live” date of MBR Database Jul. 1, 2021
Updates to the XML schema adding three fields in the entities_to_entities table
Affected filers need to include this information prior to the baseline submission due date. All following submissions will need to use the updated XML.
October 26, 2021
Baseline submissions are due By Feb. 1, 2022
First change in status filings under new timelines are due
Reflecting changes between July 1, 2021 and January 31, 2022
Mar.3, 2022
Second change in status filings are due
Future notice of change in status obligations will align with the timeline used for EQRs thereafter
By Apr. 29, 2022
Security and Privacy Statement
For any issues regarding MBR System, please contact MBR support   Please include a current e-mail address. Last Modified: 8/22/2024 5:03:32 PM      ver. 1.56

This site contains information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Among other things, the PRA requires FERC to provide you with an estimate of the average burden of completing the information on this site. Comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of these forms can be directed to FERC's Information Collection Branch at DataClearance@ferc.gov.
In addition, you are not required to respond to any collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. FERC provides the OMB Control Numbers of the information collections on this site at www.ferc.gov/information-collections.