MBR | MBRSubmissionSummary
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Submission Summary


Submission ID Submission
Status Name
File Name Submitter Filed Date Submission
Source Name
CID Organization
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1182797 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-155208.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-155208.xml
1182791 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-153909.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-153909.xml
1182789 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-153519.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-153519.xml
1182788 2/2/2021 Rejected C000565_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C000565_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182786 2/2/2021 Rejected XML_4_20210202142747.xml Sree Desai 2/2/2021 eFiling XML_4_20210202142747.xml
1182781 2/2/2021 Final MBRTest_20210202-152148.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-152148.xml
1182780 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-151926.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-151926.xml
1182778 2/2/2021 Rejected C004937_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C004937_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182777 2/2/2021 Final Test - MBRAuth.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling Test - MBRAuth.xml
1182776 2/2/2021 Auto Processing Test - MBRAuth.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling Test - MBRAuth.xml
1182775 2/2/2021 Rejected Test - MBRAuth.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling Test - MBRAuth.xml
1182773 2/2/2021 Rejected Test - MBRAuth.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling Test - MBRAuth.xml
1182770 2/2/2021 Auto Processing MBRTest_20210202-145905.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-145905.xml
1182769 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-145722.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-145722.xml
1182765 2/2/2021 Auto Processing MBRTest_20210202-145125.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-145125.xml
1182762 2/2/2021 Auto Processing MBRTest_20210202-143942.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-143942.xml
1182755 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-143103.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-143103.xml
1182749 2/2/2021 Final mbrxml_C010812_1612296923805.xml Gary Kravis 2/2/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C010812_1612296923805.xml
1182680 2/2/2021 Auto Processing MBRTest_20210202-111313.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-111313.xml
1182679 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-111102.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-111102.xml
1182674 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-110636.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-110636.xml
1182670 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-110049.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-110049.xml
1182645 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-094806.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-094806.xml
1182640 2/2/2021 Rejected MBRTest_20210202-093409.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-093409.xml
1182636 2/2/2021 Auto Processing MBRTest_20210202-093043.xml Garrick Bunting 2/2/2021 eFiling MBRTest_20210202-093043.xml
1182604 2/2/2021 Auto Processing C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182603 2/2/2021 Auto Processing C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182602 2/2/2021 Rejected C879544_V2_2021-01-31.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C879544_V2_2021-01-31.xml
1182601 2/2/2021 Auto Processing C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182600 2/2/2021 Auto Processing C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/2/2021 eFiling C199459_V1_2021-02-02.xml
1182540 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C001355_1612220526214.xml william reinwald 2/2/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C001355_1612220526214.xml
1182448 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C000465_1612214058340.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612214058340.xml
1182376 2/1/2021 Rejected XML_94_20210201132831.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling XML_94_20210201132831.xml
1182345 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C000465_1612209860871.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209860871.xml
1182343 2/1/2021 Final mbrxml_C000465_1612209839666.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209839666.xml
1182341 2/1/2021 Final mbrxml_C000465_1612209809822.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209809822.xml
1182340 2/1/2021 Final mbrxml_C000465_1612209767592.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209767592.xml
1182339 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C000465_1612209751554.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209751554.xml
1182337 2/1/2021 Final mbrxml_C000465_1612209700967.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209700967.xml
1182334 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C000465_1612209612876.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209612876.xml
1182333 2/1/2021 Rejected mbrxml_C000465_1612209577057.xml Penny Payne 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C000465_1612209577057.xml
1182276 2/1/2021 Rejected C004937_V1_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C004937_V1_2021-02-01.xml
1182275 2/1/2021 Final mbrxml_C010812_1612207639368.xml Gary Kravis 2/1/2021 eFiling mbrxml_C010812_1612207639368.xml
1182253 2/1/2021 Rejected XML_1_20210201114847.xml Sree Desai 2/1/2021 eFiling XML_1_20210201114847.xml
1182026 2/1/2021 Rejected C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml
1182025 2/1/2021 Final C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml
1182024 2/1/2021 Rejected C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml
1182023 2/1/2021 Final C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C543544_V1_2021-02-01.xml
1182022 2/1/2021 Auto Processing C122222_V2_2021-02-01.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C122222_V2_2021-02-01.xml
1182021 2/1/2021 Final C879544_V2_2021-01-31.xml Gopalakrishnan Selvarajan 2/1/2021 eFiling C879544_V2_2021-01-31.xml

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For any issues regarding MBR System, please contact MBR support   Please include a current e-mail address. Last Modified: 8/22/2024 5:03:32 PM      ver. 1.56

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