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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Ferc Asset Submission Summary



Submission ID Submission
Full Name Email File Name Submission
CID Organization
37 Final Durga Bahadur durga.bahadur@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240618043321.xml 6/18/2024
36 Final Durga Bahadur durga.bahadur@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240618035422.xml 6/18/2024
35 Pending Durga Bahadur durga.bahadur@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240617041405.xml 6/17/2024
34 Pending Durga Bahadur durga.bahadur@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240617041405.xml 6/17/2024
33 Pending Durga Bahadur durga.bahadur@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240617040601.xml 6/17/2024
32 Pending Rajesh Sanam rajesh.sanam@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240605124509.xml 6/6/2024
31 Pending Rajesh Sanam rajesh.sanam@systrends.com FERCAssetXML_20240605124509.xml 6/5/2024
30 Final hardi Shah hardimajmundar638@gmail.com GenaaBulkXML.xml 12/8/2022
29 Final hardi Shah hardimajmundar638@gmail.com GenaaBulkXML.xml 8/25/2022
28 Final hardi Shah hardimajmundar638@gmail.com GenaaBulkXML.xml 7/21/2022
27 Final Christian Fuess ctcfuess@whitepineconsultingllc.com genassets.xml 7/5/2022
26 Final Christian Fuess ctcfuess@whitepineconsultingllc.com genassets.xml 7/5/2022
25 Final Christian Fuess ctcfuess@whitepineconsultingllc.com testsubmission.xml 7/5/2022
24 Pending Christian Fuess ctcfuess@whitepineconsultingllc.com testsubmission.xml 7/5/2022
23 Final Anmar Fadhil Anmar.Fadhil@ferc.gov GenaaBulkXML.xml 6/23/2022
22 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 5/19/2022
21 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 5/5/2022
20 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 3/24/2022
19 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 2/18/2022
18 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 1/29/2022
17 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaBulkXML.xml 1/29/2022
16 Final Anmar Fadhil Anmar.Fadhil@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 12/17/2021
15 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 11/17/2021
14 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 10/26/2021
13 Final Robert E. Gardinor Robert.Gardinor@pseg.com PSEG_Assets_20210930.xml 10/1/2021
12 Pending Robert E. Gardinor Robert.Gardinor@pseg.com eMBRData Generation Assets-Solar Entities.xml 9/17/2021
11 New 9/15/2021
10 New 9/15/2021
9 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 8/19/2021
8 New 8/12/2021
7 New 8/12/2021
6 New 8/12/2021
5 New 8/12/2021
4 New 8/12/2021
3 New 8/12/2021
2 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 7/22/2021
1 Final Mahbub Rahman mahbubur.rahman@ferc.gov GenaaXML.xml 6/30/2021

Security and Privacy Statement
For any issues regarding MBR System, please contact MBR support   Please include a current e-mail address. Last Modified: 2/20/2025 5:02:04 PM      ver. 1.57

This site contains information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Among other things, the PRA requires FERC to provide you with an estimate of the average burden of completing the information on this site. Comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of these forms can be directed to FERC's Information Collection Branch at DataClearance@ferc.gov.
In addition, you are not required to respond to any collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. FERC provides the OMB Control Numbers of the information collections on this site at www.ferc.gov/information-collections.